Korean Airlines

Case Study
+0,4% Average display CTR
+708% PAX increase in
+284% PAX increase in
+94% PAX increase in
United Kingdom

The Challenge

The main campaign challenge we faced was the uncompetitiveness of Korean Air flight price due to rerouting of part of the airspace during the Russian conflict which led to a price increase on some routes.

“The main campaign challenge we faced was the uncompetitiveness of flight prices.”

The Strategy

Communicate that Korea opened its borders to travellers through different sets of banners in 3 main markets/websites: Germany, France and the UK.

On top of that, a Solus Newsletter was scheduled and sent to our targeted audience in the three mentioned markets for further visibility of the restriction ease.


Korean Air increased the number of bookings by +94% in the UK, +284% in DE, and +708% in France compared to the previous month. Its market share increased 2 points.